Friday, September 11, 2015

No One Deserves to Die at Sea. ‪#SaveLivesNow #MOAS

In reacting to the recent refugee crisis, my sister asked me if I know any organization that provides the most direct way to help refugees. Shortly after, a friend of mine share this video (click for the video) on Facebook about MOAS, the Migrant Offshore Aid Station. I decided this is the one.

I am not affiliated with MOAS, I just think that I want to do more than just my share of donation and I want my son Uno, who soon will turn 10, to get involved with the world events. Therefore I encourage him to build the rescue boat of MOAS (click for the boat plan) and use it to as a visual aid to spread the message at school. I think he did a pretty good job!

To know more about MOAS, please visit

To see more Uno's lego MOC, visit 

近日來敘利亞難民兒童的照片震撼了全世界, 平日就有援助習慣的妹妹問我知不知道有哪個機構提供最直接的難民援助. 不久, 我的朋友在臉書上分享的這個MOAS的影片. 我當下決定了就是這個機構!
我並非隸屬於MOAS, 但我覺得除了捐款外我可以再做多一點.  我也希望即將滿10歲的Uno能更深一層的了解這個世界. 於是, 我鼓勵他用他平日最喜歡玩的樂高建了MOAS的搜救船. 這樣他可以在學校裡透過介紹搜救船,幫助同學們加深對這個不幸的難民事件的印象,從而鼓勵更多人一起幫助他們! 

想要了解MOAS (海上移民援助站/Migrant Offshore Aid Station)請參觀他們的網站


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